
Persuasive Speech On Why YOU Should STOP Food Waste

  I'm pretty sure we all have that one dish our mums make when we were kids that we really disliked. Yuck. We can all agree; it's not nice to your mouth AND your taste buds. I mean, even I want to throw away the disgusting remnants of revolting food. But what if I told you that throwing food can impact us in a way you would have never imagine... Yup, that's right. The problem is FOOD WASTE. As you all know, I'm that one girl called Sophia, and today I'll tell you why you shouldn't waste food. You may think that food waste doesn't affect you AND the environment. Well, I'm going to prove you wrong. On a website called "Wasted Food Statistics","35% of the wasted food is simply thrown out by supermarkets, shops, and households. Much of it is still perfectly fit for eating." Just imagine. Your parents pay tons of money just to get food inside your mouths, and yet you throw food which means throwing away your money. This is just wrong. No o

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 7: Frozen to the Spot - Last Chapter

  It had been weeks ever since Monica broke the trance of the girl that bumped into a tree. She had been sneaking inside school, clapping on repeat, but as always, getting caught. She was getting tired of this boring routine. But one day, she had picked up the courage, and her fork, to stop this madness. She had also searched up on Different Demons that if you cover the lynge's eyes, it will stop them from washing the numb feeling over your body. She found that new piece of information helpful. So she sneaked into school, took a deep breath, and barged into the principal's office. Or at least, tried to. Ms. Stirling pulled Monica away from the office, at a distance so far Monica couldn't reach. "You, go outside and play. I have told you a quadrillion amounts of time to stay out of here. It is a very simple instruction." Ms. Stirling pushed her outside. "Remember. STAY OUT OF HERE." Ms. Stirling says and slams the door shut to Monica's face.  By the e

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 6: The Hypnotisation of a Lynge

Monica kept her eyes peeled for any demon principal activity, but unfortunately no luck. But then, as she retreated back to her classroom, she saw Ms. Silver wearing a cloak with a hood that hid her face. Of course. She wouldn't want people to see her true form. Clutching to her fork, she walked normally as possible to Ms. Silver, hopefully not causing any suspicion. But before she could even stop this monstrous being, Ms. Stirling dragged her into the classroom by her shoulders. "What the..." Monica stuttered. She grimaced and clenched her fists as this was her only chance of actually stopping Ms. Silver to create more chaos. Chaos that could be unstoppable, and possibly inevitable.  Later at night, Monica had a dream that she was to stab Ms. Silver in the eyes, like she planned to. But in millisecond or so, she froze. And a numb feeling had washed over her like an overweight blanket. Then pitch black darkness had taken over her. She gasped as she jolted awake, panic thu

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 5: The Description

  Monica remained silent and respectful for the rest of the school day. She hated every moment of it, but if it meant staying one step away from being a slave of Ms. Silver, then it was definitely worth it.  Later at night, Monica needed to form a plan to stop Ms. Silver from making children as her slaves. She shuddered at the thought of having to follow orders mindlessly, without any control. If she really didn't want to be a slave, then other kids probably don't want to either. She had to do something, and fast. In her desk, she typed in her laptop "demons with the ability to make people feel numb". Then a website popped up that said "Different Demons". She clicked it and it revealed a demon, mouth wide open, shouting a bloodcurdling chill. Shockingly, it had the same features as Ms. Silver that night when they stayed in at school. The title read "Lynges". She scrolled down to the description and this was what it read: ---------------------------

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 4: A Conversation Like That

Monica needed to think, and fast. What could she do when there was nothing to do to stop this sensation. But as if on cue, the numbness slipped away as Ms. Silver turned to scan the other direction. Monica sighed with relief and so did James. As Ms. Silver walked away, Monica looked left and right before she spoke to James. Then she turned to face James, who clearly seemed overwhelmed by this new discovery. "Did you see that? No, did you FEEL that? That numb feeling where you can't move?" Monica asked. "Yeah, I did. It felt... weird. How can she do that?" James said. "I don't know. I might do some research about demons and their abilities." Monica checked the time on her watch. "I think I have to go now. My parents might worry about me and call the police or something. See you tomorrow." The next day Monica thought of this school a bit differently. She asked her parents if she could move to a new school. But as she had expected, they'

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 3: The Big Reveal

The next day, Monica had a plan hatched inside her brain. She was going to see what Ms. Silver looks like by sneaking out of class, and catching at least a glimpse of this demonic principal. As the first block of school had began, instead of going to the class, she went straight to Ms. Silver's office. She could still hear Ms. Stirling, her teacher marking the attendance of her students. "Monica?" The teacher said as she looked across the room for a raise of a hand in the air. "Must be absent. James?" She said as she went through the list. Monica looked back at Ms. Silver's office. She leaned her ear against the wooden door. Suddenly she could hear growling and snarling inside. Then she heard demonic laughter cackled across the room. Monica was frightened as her breathing went quicker . She was panicking. Suddenly, a teacher walking across the hall saw Monica crouched in the principal's office door and came up to her, looking furious. "What are you

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 2: Weird Rules to Follow

Monica walked up to his house as the wind gushed harder and harder. She walked up to his door and paused. What if someone who answered the door wasn't James and that "someone" pulled Monica's shirt and dragged her away, grabbing her into pure black darkness...    Monica wasn't usually this of an over thinker but today she was quite like one. Not that ready, she nervously knocked three times on James' door. She heard thudding of footsteps and eventually the door creaked open to reveal James. Monica was never this glad to see him. She sighed with relief and said hi to him. He did the same. James ushered Monica in his house, and it was really kept neat and tidy. "I knew you were smart enough to crack my note." James said. Monica grinned. "I just knew it meant something." They both walked upstairs to his room. And James left his door ajar. "So... why is this school so weird?" Monica burst her curiosity out to James like a balloon popp