Book Review: Lena, the sea and me

Title: Lena, the sea and me   
Author: Maria Parr
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Walker Books (link here→Walker Books)

Trille is a 12-year-old boy who enjoys playing the piano and fishing with his grandpa and Troll (which is his grandpa's boat). He lives near the Norwegian coast with his best friend Lena Lid. But his life turns
  upside down when a girl Birgit comes into his life and Lena being more grouchy than usual. Will their friendship thrive as normal or break forever?

What I liked:
 I liked how detailed Maria Parr writes in Lena, the sea and me. Like any other author, they always use similes to be more expressive in their writing. But Maria plays around with her words, making it easier to picture the story inside my head. 

What was my least favourite part:
A few authors like Jacqueline Wilson always re-use their words in the sentences they make in their books. And this includes Maria Parr.This is understandable, since they find it hard to find different words that sound un-alike that mean the same thing. While other authors like Katherine Rundell, they have a broad vocabulary and doesn't find it that hard to change a few words, this and that.

Overall thoughts: 
Generally, I really enjoyed reading the book, for it was basically eye-candy for readers like me. It was a fun journey, delivering a message that not all friendships are all clear skies and sunny weather. There always is a storm, and that's okay. Because everyone experiences it. It's not the end of the world. That's how meaningful the message was.

Comments about the book:  
"A salt-tanged, airy and adventurous story"- Hilary McKay
"Full of beauty, wit, wisdom and joy"- Inis on Waffle Hearts

Rating: 8.5 \ 10  (Great!)


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