Chapter 4 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

Chapter 4: The Plan Into Action

The night eerily caved in as Isabelle walked away from the sea. She was shivering, her skin prickled with coldness as she walked. A few miles away, she could see a rectangular-shaped building stay still as its chimney swelled out with smoke.
This must be the place the queen was talking about, Isabelle thought. She walked fast and eventually, she reached her destination. She put on the invisi-cloak the queen gave her and headed inside. I can't believe I'm doing this. Inside, she could see food processed and dropped onto a conveyor belt. That's weird. The queen said to go to an oil factory, but I'm now here seeing food being made, Isabelle thought. She looked around to find anything that looked suspicious. What's something that is so important, that it could stop the entire factory from producing oil? Isabelle asked herself. She turned around to see two security guards blocking a red lever out of sight. How could she possibly sneak pass them? She put her body against the wall and avoided contact between the two guards. One wrong move and she would be in BIG trouble. Isabelle half-breathed and half-gasped as she went pass them. She took a discreet deep breath, and pulled down the lever. Suddenly, loud, blaring noises sounded across the factory. Red lights flashed everywhere. 

Isabelle saw a sign called CCTV room. She ran where the CCTV room was and went inside. Quickly and carefully, she spilled the memory-away potion the queen gave her and she turned off the switch, causing the alarm to stop. Then she ran to where the two security guards was and splashed the potion to both of them. Her job was done. All she had to do was run away and sneak back to the palace. Easy enough.  

"Isabelle." Isabelle moaned. "ISABELLE! Wake up this instant!" Isabelle jolted up to see her mother's panicked expression. "What?" Isabelle demanded. "Oh honey, I'm soooo glad you're..." The queen paused for a moment. "ALIVE!" The queen chirruped. She squeezed her into a tight hug. "My dear, why are you so wet? Let me get you a towel and you tell me everything." 5 minutes later and she was near a nice, warm fireplace. "I somehow breathed these air-bubbles, which is air in a bubble, and I saw light coming from below me, I swam and swam until I saw these pretty pearl buildings. And a ginormous castle. A queen and king, who's the "'deceased" queen and king, swam up to me and explained everything to me." She continued the rest of her journey and her mother was astonished. "So you sneaked inside where?!" Her mother looked worried. "Inside an oil factory. Because the queen said that the pollution coming from the factory was poisoning the kingdom." Isabelle replied, puzzled. "Dear, we were looking for you near the beach you fell into but we couldn't find you. Because it was too deep. Too deep for pollution to poison an underwater kingdom. And that was oil factory, it was actually a food factory. Where all the food and resources we and the entire kingdom eat and drink from! Isabelle, you are definitely in big trouble! You are grounded for a week!" The queen screamed at her. Isabelle realised something. "But the queen told me that was her plan! So that means... she lied to me."


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