Chapter 5 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

 Chapter 5: The Reveal of "Queen Margaret"

Isabelle ran as fast as her feet could carry her to the sea. She plopped into the water and swam as half as fast as a speed boat. Eventually, she reached her stop and barged inside the castle. "Why you ridiculous queen! Where are you?!" Isabelle bellowed the moment she stepped inside the castle. "You sweet-talked me into turning off the factory switch, you dingdong!!!!!!" She bellowed again. "That is because of my charm, Isabelle. It's not your fault that now I can rule your kingdom... Definitely not." The queen stepped away from the shadow where she was.  The queen looked like a sea monster, with tentacles sticking out and a devious grin creeping in her face. "Now that you need an explanation, I'll give you one." The queen dared. "Long, long time ago, your parents asked the God of Vengence to kill me for my blood wasn't royal blood. Because I killed the queen and spilled some memory-away potion to my "husband." Then many years later, I tricked you into spilling my memory-away potion, which was a hypnotising potion, into the guards that saw you. The guards are now going to spill some real memory-away potion to your parents. Then eventually, every single civilian that once lived in Corona. I will take back what once was MINE! Muhahahahahahahaah!" The queen cackled with evil laughter. Isabelle asked the queen to look behind her. The queen said no but before the queen could say anything else, Isabelle ran and swam faster than a jaguar swimming underwater. "Guards.. ATTACK!!!" The queen shriek after Isabelle.

 She was already on land as the queen's guards chased after Isabelle. She ran to the castle and saw 2 guards walking in the hallway. She sprinted and let herself in the castle. "HIIIIIIIYYYYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!" She screamed as she kicked the 2 guards in the groin. Then she landed a punch to the guards and threw them out the window. She learnt these lines of defense from Mary, who shared a lot of secrets with Isabelle. "Mother, Father, you ok?" She said hurriedly. "We are ok. But you? Oh my lord, thank the heavens you are ok!!!" Her mother said frantically. Isabelle said that she will explain everything later. "But right now, we need to call our guards to stop Queen Margaret guards from putting the memory-away potion Queen Margaret gave them, am I right?" The queen briefly explained what she knew. "Mother, you are absolutely correct. But how are we suppose to call the guards since it's damaged by the guards?" Isabelle wondered as she thought of ideas. Now it was her father's turn to provide information. "There is a spare phone in your room we used for emergencies, Isabelle. Come on, let's go!"

They scurried over to Isabelle's room to find Isabelle's emergency phone. "Here! I found it!" Isabelle said triumphantly as she shook the phone in her hands vigorously. "Ok, so now dial 5642!" the king responded. Isabelle pressed the digits and someone answered. "Hello, this is Amanda speaking. How can I help, Your Royal Highness?" the receiver asked. "Oh hello, this is Isabelle speaking. Can I request ALL of our guards to fend off some other guards who are now destroying our village?" Isabelle said with a hint of sarcasm. "Righty-o, sending all 100 of our royal guards. Thank you for calling the Royal Services, please do call again if you need help next time. Bye!" Amanda chirruped. "Oh wait, can the guards meet us in the castle first?" Isabelle asked quickly. "Aaaaahhh, yes sure. Need anything else?" "No thank you, goodbye!" Isabelle dropped the call. "Isabelle, why do they need to meet us first?"  Isabelle's mother replied. "Because I need to give the guards the memory-away potion to fend the guards." Isabelle said. "OOOOOHHH.... I see what your doing."

Moments later and the royal guards successfully took hold of the guards and sent them to prison. "Fellow citizens, it is safe to say that our KINGDOM is SAVED!" The  king said as he stood at a stage. The people clapped in applause. 


Thanks for reading my fictional story. The end!


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