The Last Human?... | Chapter 6: The Magical Livtri Tree Sap

Will sat down on the table as Mira talked to him. "So I'll explain. I know we hadn't made the best decision, but we're willing to make it up to you." She said as she looked at him concerningly. Will remained silent. "That day when we were collecting food, another hybrid came up to us and asked if we were willing to join the Contribution, which is a group which helps other people in need. If we joined, they said they'll give us a year worth of food. And we worked for the Contribution for years. So we have 10 years' worth supply of food." She finished. "But they gave us a potion to drink, which made us forget about... you and our family. Until now my memories have been flooding back to me ever since you came." Mira finished. 

The silence was achingly long. Finally, Will croaked and said "You left me all because of... food?" Mira looked pained but replied "It was very greedy, I know. But I didn't know the consequences that was going to backfire me." Mira said as she looked down, trying to ignore Will's upset face. He sighed. "Can I go to sleep Mira?" He said, clearly hesitant. "Sure. Sleep upstairs, there's a spare bedroom. And please, do call me Mum. Ava looked at Will and his mum as they both walked upstairs, Mira taking him to the spare bedroom. "Can I sleep too?" Ava asked. "Yes dear, of course you can." She followed them into a normal sized room, a comfy bed awaiting them. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Will asked cheekily. "Yup!" Ava replied, reading his mind. "CANNONBALL!!!" They said in unison as they dived in the bed, then slowly putting them to sleep.

The next day and they both went downstairs for breakfast. "I've made delicious pancakes for you two. Here's some syrup if you need some." Mira gestured to the syrup. She handed in the plates, they gave her thank yous, and they dug in. "BLEH!" Ava said as she tasted the burnt pancakes, tongue sticking out in disgust. Will too said "BLEH!" in distaste. "I... like it?" Will commented on the burnt pancakes. But suddenly, it turned into the normal pancakes he knew, only way better. "Wait, it's turned good? What did you put inside this pancakes?" Will asked, interests piqued. "You want to know the secret ingredient to these pancakes?" Mira asked. "Uhh, let me guess, something corny?" Will said. "It starts with the letter "l". It's... livtri." She replied in a grin. "Wait what? What's livtri?" Will and Ava asked curiously. "Come, I'll show you both outside." Mira said. 

They walked with her as it showed a tree, sap ushering out of it with a contraption. "So it's basically tree sap?" Will said, slightly disappointed. "Not just any other ordinary tree sap." Mira said. "Dip your finger in and try some." She motioned over to the tree. "Uh, okay." Will said with uncertainty as he dipped his finger into the sap, coolness rushing over his finger, and licked it. At first, spiciness took control his tongue, then quickly softening the flavour into a sweet, soothing taste. "It's... really GOOD!" Will exclaimed. "Yes, livtri is the most tastiest tree sap I've ever encountered. It has some..." Mira lowered her voice. "Magic to it." Mira said, eyeing her surroundings as if it was the most top secret thing ever to be kept secret. 

There was a silent pause. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Will bellowed out in laughter. "You've got to be kidding me!" Will said mockingly. "No, actually. Its magic is meant to stay hidden." Mira said, looking deadly serious. "It can also heal people by getting people out of trances." She said. "Wait a second... have you tried it on my parents?" Ava suggested. "I have, but the magic within their trances are so strong that not even livtri could heal. Livtri is used to heal any scar, wound or injury. Except diseases though. That's why I've ordered some gretor for this problem. It's twice as stronger as livtri." Mira said, but her face got suddenly forlorn. "But it takes almost a year for it to get here..." Mira said as she looked at Ava. "WHAT?!" Ava said. "Isn't there any other way?" She said. "Well, there is one." Mira said with a determined look on her face. "If we're going to get you parents out of that trance, we've got to find gretor ourselves."


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