The Last Human?... | Chapter 7: Running into HOH


"But where are we going to find some?" Ava asked. "Well, I think I know where." Mira replied as she asked them to follow her to her destination. They eventually walked for an hour until they reached a cave with mystical blue glowing inside. They walked in as they saw the mysterious glowing goo dripping inside. "Finally after so long!" Ava yelled. "I'll grab some gretor inside this jar. I never knew this actually might be the right location." Mira said as she scraped gretor into the jar. "Do you think it will work?" Ava asked patiently. "Yes, I'm very certain it will." Mira said confidently. "We need to go now. It's dark outside." Mira instructed. They walked home, but since it was so dark, luckily Mira was prepared and brought her flashlight to light the way.

As they reached home, Ava felt super excited. Ava, Will and Mira all rushed up to her parents. "So how do you break the trance with the gretor?" Ava asked. "Easy. All you have to do is put some gretor onto their hands." Mira replied. "Huh, that's a weird way of breaking their trance." First, they wore some gloves so that they wouldn't get stuck in a trance like they were, then they spread some gretor onto her parents' hands like spreading peanut butter and jelly in some toast, and slowly but surely, her parents snapped out of it. "Ava?" Her mom called out to her. "MOM! DAD!" She shouted as she hugged her parents tightly. "Where were you all this time?" Her dad asked. "Oh, this is going to be a long story." Ava said.

She explained how she rode on her bike to her grandma's house and how she met Will. She then told them about how she broke the trances of her family. "Whoa, that's loads." Her dad said with awe. "I'm so sorry you had to get through this. It must have been so hard for you." Her mom said. They then broke into a tight hug. 

They ate dinner, but Ava noticed something about her mum's face. It looked concerned. But she also had a gut feeling that maybe her mum wanted to tell her something. "Is there anything you want to tell us?" Ava asked and noted the worried look on Chloe, her mother. "Uh... yeah." Chloe said with a devastated look on her face. "The people who are missing, if you noticed, are trapped. We were one of them trapped inside gooey cocoons, but we managed to escape. Wert -hunters of human they call themselves- use people as slavery." Chloe explained. "So you technically got kidnapped?" Ava said. "Yes. It all started at night. Wert took us and we went to their base, which since they covered our faces with empty sacks, we couldn't see the location of their base." Chloe said about their experience. "It's near to a cave that has glowing liquid dripping everywhere." It's secret, so if you want to go inside, then you have to go inside a little bit more." There was a silence that was sharp as a blade of a knife. "I've come up with a plan." Ava stated out. "We're going to save those people." 

Ava grabbed her jacket and pulled her gloves and shoes. "Ava, are you sure about this?" Chloe touched her shoulder. "Yes, Mum. If going out there means saving millions of lives, then yes, I am going." Ava declared. "Wait!" Will went after her. "If you're going, then I am too." Will announced. "Come on then!" Ava said impatiently. 

They ran because they knew how urgent the situation was. For 20 minutes they ran until they were really tired, huffing and puffing so hard that they almost were the big bad wolves from Three Little Pigs. "Do you think we should walk?" Will looked at Ava with a pleading look. "Definitely." She said. Suddenly, they stopped dead in their tracks as they heard stomps hit contact in the ground so hard they felt the ground shake. "Is that..." Will looked frightened as if he saw a ghost. "Wert." Ava tried to look calm, but she was terrified inside. "Wait, if they're wert, why does their badges say "HOH"?" Will looked at their badges. Ava thought for a moment what it might stand for. "OH. It stands for Hunters of Humans!" Ava realised. "Oh yeah!" Will said. "SHH! They can hear you!" Ava shushed him. Horrifically, footsteps moved closer. "HALT! WHO ARE YOU?!" One of the HOH asked. They were wearing masks so Ava couldn't make out the wert's voice. Will, on the other hand, audibly gulped. They exchanged looks. They were in big, big trouble.


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