The Last Human?... | Chapter 8: The Great Escape


The HOH mercilessly grabbed them by the arms and took them to the familiar tunnel that they got the gretor from. "I'm so sorry." Ava said guiltily to Will. "This is all my fault." Ava said as she looked at Will with a pained expression. "It's not your fault. And at least you tried." Will said with a hopeful look on his face. The HOH took them to cells that reminded them of prison. It looked unfriendly and grim. The HOH opened the cells like they were escaped animals and pushed them in. Then they walked, footsteps thudding away. "I guess this is how our lives will be like." Will said with a devastated face. "No, of course we'll find a way out." Ava said and touched his hand. "It just seems so..." Will said and stared to the abyss. "Impossible to get out of here." He said as he looked down. He then glanced over to the other cells. They were filled with people. It looked so hopeless just looking at them. "This is where Mum and Dad stayed." Ava said. "It must have been way harder for my parents when they stayed here." Ava said. "Parents? Are ya Ava?" a strong Texan accent called out to her. "I'm Brenda, nice to meet y'all." 

Brenda was in the cell opposite to them. Although Brenda looked quite friendly, Ava learnt that you should never trust people you don't know. She felt a bit doubtful about trusting Brenda, but she greeted her back. "Yes I'm Ava, it's also very nice to meet you. But how do you know my name?" Ava looked at Brenda, but she didn't look suspicious or nervous. She must be trustworthy, Ava thought carefully. "Ahh. Of course ya might be thinking about that. Well, I know your parents, and they were here last time in one of these cells." Brenda explained. "We talked, and soon we became friends and I helped them escape." Brenda said. "The plan could barely fit 3 people into action, as security was tight and 2 would be much easier." Brenda said. "So do you umm... know how to escape?" Will said. "Yes, indeed I do. Though we gotta escape at night." Brenda said. 

"You two want to escape?" Brenda asked. "Of course we do." Ava blurted out. "Alrighty then. Here." Brenda said as she passed a note and threw it to their cells. She lowered her voice. "That's the plan, got it? Make sure you do all the steps." Brenda said discreetly as she looked left and right to make sure no one was listening to their conversation. "Do not miss any steps, otherwise you'll mess up the plan." Brenda's face turned from friendly and warm to grim and serious. "Got it." Ava and Will said in unison. "Wait, I have a question." Ava said to Brenda. "Can't we free all the people here?" Ava asked desperately for the answer "yes". "Well yes. But it's going to be very tricky. You sure you can do it?" Brenda said. "Yes we can." Will said confidently. "Good, here's the other plan then." Brenda said as she passed another note with information written inside. Ava and Will were pretty sure they could do this.  They have done escapes like this. If they could do it once, they could surely do it twice. Right? Ava said. Yes. She put that word into her mind firmly. 


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