The Last Human?... | Chapter 9: The Release of Prisoners, and Freedom


The plan was that Ava calls the security guard and then she punches him to make him unconscious. Then she grabs the keys to open everyone's cells and BOOM! Freedom. So Ava called out to the guard and does the exact same thing that was written on the plan. She succeeds. The people on the opposite sides of her cell (including Brenda's and Will's) hung their jaws wide open as Ava punched the security guard. They never knew the strong capabilities of Ava, the 11-year-old. She opens Will and her cell and she attempts to unlock Brenda's cell, but only failing. "Wait what? What's happening?!" Ava sighed exasperated. "Another guard must have the keys to unlock everyone's cell." Brenda processed this new information. "You may need to see a guard who has a token key." Brenda logically answered. "Okay. I'll go search for the guard." Ava said her thoughts aloud. "Wait! I'll come with you." Will said. "Will, no. I've put you into so much danger already. I don't need to put you in danger again." Ava patted his shoulder. "I'll be fine." Ava said genuinely, even though Will didn't think she was genuine. "Fine." Will said hesitantly. She turned her back as she walked but Will said one word that made her look at him again. "Wait." Will said with such seriousness Ava had never heard him say. "Stay safe." Will said. Ava firmly nodded and walked away. "You like her, don't you?" Brenda asked cheekily. "Ugh, of course not" Will looked utterly disgusted as his cheeks flushed bright red by her question while Brenda thought otherwise. 

Ava scoured the place until she saw a guard with a token key. She gasped quietly and tiptoed to the guard who was standing. Then she threw a punch from his back. The guard slumped to the floor when she threw a punch. "Hmn, serves him right." Ava said as she took the key off him and quietly retreated back to the other cells. "Um, where do you think you're going?" The guard faced her. She had a strong deja vu moment so vivid she shuddered with chills running down her spine. "Uh..." She looked at him awkwardly. This was not what she was expecting. She felt so dumb with her actions. Maybe she shouldn't have went to the forest and brought Will with her. Then she wouldn't have risked the chances for freedom of the imprisoners at HOH's base. But suddenly, a figure lurched to the air, bonking the guards head with his fists. It was... Will. "Will! I have never been so glad to see you!" She said as she peered down to the knocked out guard. "I guess you have some strength." She said. "Haha. Now what are you waiting for? Let's get these people outta here." Will said.

Will and Ava rushed over to the control room and to their surprise, they saw a guard lazily resting on his chair, dozed off to sleep. "Huh. Looks like we don't need to sing him a lullaby. Much easier." Will said as Ava giggled to herself. They saw a scanner that lay on the table with a label reading "SCAN HERE TO RELEASE PRISONERS". "Will, here. There's a scanner!" Ava whispered discreetly. Will had not to be told twice. He scanned the key and they heard a noisy alarm blaring throughout HOH's HQ. "Is this... it? Are we free?" Ava said and pinched herself with reassurance. "Yes, and I think it's really real." Will said as he burst into a hug with Ava, overwhelmed but at the same time overjoyed.

EPILOGUE: 6 months later (back at Hoston)

Ava snuggled on her comfy couch as she read her book. Suddenly, she heard loud knocks coming from her front door. Her heart raced as fast as it could like running in cross country at school. But nevertheless, she opened it. She sighed with relief. It was Will. "Hi." Will said. "Hello. And I thought you weren't the type of person to knock loudly on his friend's front door." Ava said and mockingly looked pointedly at Will. Will chuckled in reply. "Wanna come inside?" Ava asked as she ushered him inside. "Sure! Isn't that the whole purpose of coming here?" Will said and the heroic two talked about their act of bravery. On top of Ava's fireplace, Ava saw a big shiny medal glistening proudly in the sun. They both received a gold medal for the heroic act. Ava and Will's life changed massively. And the act of bravery was one act that they would never forget for the rest of their lives.

                                                       ...THE END...


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