The First-Ever Triumphant Victory of Sophia Ysabel

Everywhere I look, the streets of Wellington were filled with vandalism and graffiti. Loads of people always looked like ants scattering for food which is exactly what people do in lunchtime. Inside my cozy home, I was putting on my school uniform which had the ''slogan'' printed on the side of the uniform. It was Kake Tonu or Ever Upwards in Maori. In the back it had a sun with a weirdly detailed face. I swiftly grabbed my water bottle and put on my shoes. It was time to head down to the Sports Stadium.

As I entered the stadium, hundreds of children were in rinks scurrying around frantically playing Floorball. "Great. Another not victorious win." I thought to myself. We lost loads of times. I figured that although with my team's skills and mine, we still wouldn't go home without a victory. I glanced at the kids playing in the rinks. They looked somehow desperate to win a game, with serious looks in their eyes. I grabbed my stick and sat down near to Rink 2. Ninang (which is actually the coach of my Floorball team!) found a ball to practice with. As soon as she found it, I saw a familiar pack of girls giggling to themselves with familiar uniforms on. If you haven't guessed it already, it was the ✨Te Aro Ballers✨! Except that there wasn't Lara W (we add her last name because there are 2 Laras), which was weird 'cause I saw her at school. Anyways, we practised with the ball. Eventually Lara W came and the game was starting SOON. Like in 5 minutes SOON. We did some warm-ups and decided who could play the first game and the second. 'But I wanna be with Daisy!' whimpered Selva. Daisy was her cousin so I guess that made sense. 'Sorry, but we can't.' replied Ninang, definitely pissed off. So we decided that Frida, Essy (we call her Essy, short for Esther but really it doesn't make a difference) and I should go first. Lara B gets to be goalie for the first round as well. Although I had a feeling Te Aro Ballers would lose, in the pit of my stomach, I had a slight feeling of determination. "3,2,1" I counted in my mind. The whistle made an ear-deafening blow and we were off.

I sprinted towards the ball and passed it on to Frida. She attempted to shoot the ball to the opponent's side but she failed completely. The opponent swooped over the ball and ran as fast as he could but Essy and I were there to block the ball for going into the net. Over my shoulders, I saw Lara B waiting for the ball with a frown on her face. After many saves from Essy and Lara B, Essy finally scored a goal with the help of the gang of girls cheering loudly in the distance and also, with teamwork. I grew closer to the goalie and although his head was turned to me, his eyes were well, looking somewhere else. Could this be it? Will I actually be able to save the Te Aro Ballers from our unfortunate losing streak? I focused on the ball. Eyes on the prize. She tries to shoot and... she SCORES!!!! I gaped in disbelief. I finally scored my very first goal! Let's go!!! I thought in my mind as I held my fist high up in the air. After I scored the goal, it was coincidently Half-Time. We walked tiredly to the seats and drank our water bottles with huge gulps. Despite being exhausted, Frida and Essy were talking about how the game went while I was thinking about the game. It was my favourite game out of all the games we played because not only I scored my first goal, but we learnt to work as a team. You know, teamwork actually does make the dream work.

We strolled over to Gong Cha, which was my favourite go-to spot for drinking my favourite drinks of all time. 2 words. Bubble tea. I ordered an oat milk vegan tea with added on pearls. In my opinion, the perfect measurements for my kind of boba tea is 100% sugar and 70% ice. I poked a hole on my boba tea with a straw and drank my drink with delight. This Tuesday turned out to be one of the best days I've ever had.

I hope you enjoyed reading my first post. Thanks for reading😄!


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