The Interesting Finds at The Polish Christmas Market

I closed the car door and felt a gentle gush of wind past through me. Newtown was filled entirely out of  houses, shops and restaurants. But although there were so many things to do, it was still a small town. Huh. I just realised that it should be called Smalltown rather than Newtown because it was not new at all. Anyways we arrived at the Polish Christmas Market. And it was a sight! The market were filled, and I mean FILLED with people lining up in queues to order delicious polish food. There were tons of options of food to select. Loaves of bread, hotdogs, cakes, the list could go on forever! In the market, they also had stalls selling cushions, hoodies, accessories, phone holders and SO MUCH MORE! We wandered around all the stalls and they were all amazing. As soon as we were about to leave, Mum pointed to a building next to the market that people were pushing and shoving themselves into (it was practically a stampede!). ''Should we check it out?'' Mum said intrigued. We (me and Ninang) nodded in agreement and went inside. 

After a short flight of stairs, we finally reached the top to see people scattered around everywhere. I could see why they were everywhere. I gaped in awe as I saw a crochet stall where all the projects were displayed. My mind blown into pieces as I saw a crochet drawstring bag which was SO CUTE!!! I also saw crochet keychains as well displayed by hooks. There was McDonald's Fries (don't ask okay? I don't know why as well) which was so random but then I saw something so cute that I could self destruct into an explosion. On a hook, a rainbow mini jellyfish swivelled caused by my movement. I stared in shock. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! my mind thought as it exploded into tiny pieces of brain. But of course, instead of screaming it out aloud, I asked the lady politely how much was it and she said it was 8 dollars. Instead of buying it immediately, I browsed through the options and eventually stopped at my tracks to see a cute small metal case with cute designs. Although it looked remarkably good, the price was not. Well in my case. It was 4 dollars, which was actually a very reasonable price. It was only bad because what was I going to do with it anyway? I would just waste my 8 dollars just to get 2 cases for nothing! I moved on from it and saw realistic cat and dog sculptures with cute, fluffy artificial fur. It was super cute. There was also a cute cat sleeping comfortably on a mat for 5 dollars and a big one without on a mat for 8 dollars. I thought for a moment and noted the pros and cons of buying a rainbow jellyfish keychain or a cute fluffy cat in my brain and got this:                                                                                                                                          ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                        ๐ŸŒˆ Keychain

Pros:                                                                       Cons:

- It looks cute                                                                       - It's small

- I could chain it in my school bag                                   - Its tentacles are to tangly

- It'll make my bag more cuter                                         - Don't know if it'll look good

- It will make my bag more personalised and nice         


                                                                       Cat Sculpture

Pros:                                                                                 Cons:

- It will look cute in my Craft Studio (''my office'')           - Not practical      

- It's a really good buy                                                             - A bit useless

- ๐Ÿ’–I LOVE CATS SO MUCH!๐Ÿˆ                                        - Don't have space in my Craft Studio

- It's FLUFFY                                                                                                                                                   


And the winner is.... The Rainbow Jellyfish Keychain! It won my heart and I love it. There will always be a special place in my heart for the cat though. It was a tough decision to make but there could only be 1 winner. Here's the photo down here below because everyone likes a good photo, don't they?                                 

After the decision making, I visited Santa Claus, who was resting on a sofa. It was pretty obvious that ''Santa Claus'' was wearing a unnaturally white wig covering his head and the iconic red and white Santa Claus outfit. I walked over to a small chair and sat down next to Santa. He greeted me hello and before I knew it, a weird conversation began to form right from Santa to me. His eyes were watery, but he looked at me with kind eyes. I introduced myself and talked about where my school was. He said he knew his mum's friend who was called Margaret Ysabel. He said that was one of the popular names during that time. He said he also knew someone who liked playing the piano and guitar so much, she joined the music department. His uncle played the bass so music was in his blood.  I had a hunch that he was making up stories because he stuttered a lot every time he made a sentence, or maybe he's just old. How did I know he's old? 'Cause he had wrinkles, so, yeah.....

I hope you enjoyed this post! Here's a photo of ''Santa'' and thanks for reading๐Ÿ“–!



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