Chapter 2 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

Chapter 2: Into The Mysterious Waters of Corona

"GASP!" breathed Isabelle deeply as she regained consciousness. How am I still alive?! Isabelle marvelled at the thought. Am I dreaming or in heaven, or whatever situation I could possibly be in?! And how am I still breathing?!! She looked above her. She could see fishes scrambling everywhere and coral growing from the depths of the sea. What better place to be in than being stuck in the middle of the ocean?!!!! In the corner of her eye, she saw a glimpse of light coming from deeper into the water. She swam and swam until she could make out shiny and miraculous opaline structures stuck to the ground. But then, something caught her attention. Not only there was a massive castle right in front of her eyes, but even more surprising, there were merpeople. Yes, with seashell bras and hard-as-a-rock tails and all that mermaid criteria. Every merpeople gaped at her since she wasn't recognised in the unusual underwater kingdom. And then, 2 highly looking merpeople swam up to Isabelle. They were wearing golden, ancient-looking crowns, grinning with grateful smiles. "Oh Isabelle darling, I'm so glad you're here!" the merwoman said with satisfaction. Isabelle's jaw dropped. 

"I'm so sorry we hadn't introduced ourselves. I am Queen Margaret and this is King Jack. Lovely to meet you. We've heard so many great things about you Isabelle." Isabelle was lost for words. "I know this is a lot to take in," said the queen empathetically. "so I think we can explain everything to you at the Pearl Castle. Come on, follow me!" Isabelle went after the royal Queen and King. Queen Margaret gestured Isabelle to the castle. And it was a sight to see. Royal chandelier hung from the ceiling as they glimmered in the light. A dining table was the size of a gigantic wall. This is completely surreal. I'm definitely dreaming right now, Isabelle thought. "Welcome to Pearl Castle. Now sit right here and I'll explain EVERYTHING to you." the queen suggested.

 For a moment, there was a rather awkward silence as the queen and king glanced at Isabelle expectantly. "You can ask whatever you want, darling. We're all ears." Although it was polite for the queen to say this, Isabelle was feeling absolutely uncomfortable. It made sense since she was looking at "deceased," or very much ALIVE queens and kings that were talking to her. "Why am I here?" Isabelle blurted out. "Or actually, HOW am I here?" "By air bubbles." the queen replied calmly. "Air bubbles? What is that?" Isabelle asked again, with curiosity. "Air bubbles are bubbles that are filled with oxygen, again also known as air. I made it myself." "But how did you make it?" Isabelle asked again, intrigued. "Now that darling, is a secret meant to be kept a mystery. Now, I know what you're thinking. Why ARE you here?" the queen replied with empathy. She looked weary. Her voice turned serious. "That is because our kingdom needs your help."


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