Chapter 3 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

 Chapter 3: The Plan

"Whaaaaa.... But how? Why? When? Now?!" Isabelle was shocked. How can such a beautiful place like this need HELP? "Our resources are decreasing by each day. We never told the merpeople yet... Or not..." She paused. The Queen sighed. "But why aren't you telling the kingdom? Shouldn't they be the one who should know as well?" Isabelle asked. "I don't want the kingdom to be in a state of panic! There will be chaos, the merpeople knowing that sooner or later, our kingdom won't live as long as they thought!" The queen replied, exasperated. After a moment of thought, Isabelle, once again, broke the silence. "How can I help?" The queen beamed up. "Really? You'll help us?" "Yes, anything it takes." Isabelle replied assertively. "Well then, here it is. Our crops are dying and purified water is hard to get because your people are dumping poisonous fumes into the water. We need you to stop the fumes going into the water. Or else...?" There was a moment of silence. "Our kingdom's life is in your hands. Please, don't do unnecessary things that will put our lives in danger which will result into bad consequences... But I'm pretty sure that with your character, I certainly can rely on you." Isabelle's head was thumping as she processed Queen Margaret's last words inside her brain. It was almost as if her heart was in her head.                                           

"Now here's how you'll do it. Outside your castle, you'll see an oil factory. It's easy to spot because in its chimney, you can see streams of smoke billowing out of it. But here's the dangerous part. You're gonna have to sneak inside, turn off the machine that makes the oil and our kingdom will be saved. Then, somehow, you will pour my memory-away potion on top of the people who were in the factory's heads. Got that?" The queen explained her plan briefly. "Your Highness, this is easier said than done. How could I possibly sneak in? And how, tell me; am I going to pour your potion on top of their heads?" Isabelle said as if it was a ridiculous plan. And a way, it certainly was. "Of course, you'll wear my invisi-cloak. And you'll figure it out when you get there." The queen said as if invisi-cloaks were a thing, and that this plan did not have a chance of impossibility. "What in the world is an invisi-cloak?" Isabelle asked with annoyance. "It's a cloak that's invisible." Isabelle opened her mouth to speak, but the queen was faster. "Like I said dear, some mysteries are meant to be kept a secret. So the plan? It will start... today." The queen said. "TODAY?! Are you insane? WHY?!" Isabelle shrieked with defiance. "When will you do it? Tomorrow?! The day after tomorrow?! The year after tomorrow?! Isabelle, you need to understand! Not only the kingdom, but I also need your help! Please don't underestimate yourself, Isabelle. You are an amazing girl, and I know that you'll do great." The queen replied, with full confidence that she will make it. After a moment of thought and consideration, Isabelle replied. "I'll do it." "So what are you waiting for? Go!"


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