Persuasive Writing on Why You Should Join The GKR Karate Club

Imagine yourself defenceless on the street as a drunk man tries to punch you. But NO! With your karate skills, you block his punch and run away, calling for help. Happy ending, right? Now imagine the opposite. You have no knowledge of karate or even blocking yourself. Worse case scenario, you could have black out and there would be no chance of surviving... But anyways, hi. My name is Sophia Ysabel and I'm here to talk about why you must the join the GKR Karate Club, which is the club I'm currently training at (if you're interested in the GKR Karate Club, click these links here to learn more about GKR Karate→ GKR Karate →FacebookInstagram) Let's get started, shall we?

My first reason is that karate makes you more discipline. According to a website called Karate Families, "The martial arts journey requires consistent and continued practice." Meaning that with more constant practice, karate molds you to be more disciplined. This is true since if you don't have enough constant practice, you may not become disciplined. Another thing about karate is that you always have to be on time. When I go for training, I normally arrive about 10-15 minutes early just before class starts. That's what our Senseis (Japanese for instructors) always advice us. To always be 15 minutes early before we train. And also to sign up for the class we're taking. There's also this routine that we do before we enter and when we exit the Dojo (Japanese for training hall). We always have to bow before we enter the Dojo at the front of the hall as a sign of respect for everything the Dojo means to us. There is countless of different things we do at GKR Karate that makes me, and maybe you, disciplined.

Secondly, karate's not only about discipline, but also improves your mental health. Based on a website called Advantage Mental Health Center, "Martial arts can help you to control and regulate your emotions." The atmosphere I normally feel in the Dojo is calming and tense at the same time, making me feel more relieved. Did you know that karate reduces anger and aggression? You release the anger inside you by doing powerful kicks with great force on a training bag in training. It also helps you know how to deal with your inner self and letting go of anger without an aggressive reaction.

Lastly, karate makes your mind more alert. On a website called WebMD, "It help trains your mind to attention focused while remaining calm and alert." This is quite true, because during training, we always run through the Katas (a series of basic moves like punches and kicks) and we always look behind us whenever we turn. That's because just in case our opponent is attacking at the back, we block it first. We always have to be alert in whatever we do in Karate so that no one ever lays a finger on us.

To wrap it all in a pretty bow for my speech, karate makes you more disciplined, improves your mental health and keep your mind more alert. Those I think, are 3 of the most important reasons of doing karate in the first place. I hope after this piece of work, it will persuade you to join karate. Just at least think about it. I also hope you enjoyed my writing. Thank you, dear readers, for reading and see you next time! Bye!


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