4 Reminders to Think About When You're Less Confident

Do you have troubles saying aloud a public speech in front of a lot of people? Or maybe doing a task that includes talking to someone else? If you feel nervous doing those tasks, then that's your confidence levels are very low. If there's a little voice in your head saying that "Oh, you won't win this challenge!" or "You'll never make it in life!" then this blog is important for you. In today's blog, I'll be explaining a few reminders that some of you may know, but have already forgotten. So If you feel that way, even just a single time, then read on!

1. Keep on trying!
I'm pretty sure that in planet Earth, everybody has at least insecurities. But that's because everyone's always paying attention to people they think is better than them. Like maybe when someone has won a competition. You always see them as a perfect human being, when really it took them a lot of times just to win a medal. So you, yes you, need to keep on trying. Because successful people always uses their failures as their stepping stones.

2. Don't compare yourself to other people
Everyone is not perfect. Even your favourite singer, or actor, even a model. That's because everybody has flaws. 

Say that you don't see the bottom of the iceberg. You only see a beautiful, small piece of rock floating around the sea. That's our perfection. But then look underwater. You see a big mass of rock, enormous and even scary. That's our imperfections. Now you see, a person is exactly like an iceberg. We always have more imperfections than perfections. But why? That's because everyone sees the world a bit differently. What about bees? They think that all they do is just roam around hundreds of flowers everyday. That's how they see it. But what about us? Sometimes when we're angry, we see the world like it's a horrible place. But when we're happy, we're contented about everything! So you see, it's all about feelings.

3. Remember that it's human to make mistakes!
It's always a thing we normally forget about when we're due paying the bill. Or scrolling through your phone. But sometimes, we tend to forget that it's completely fine for you to make mistakes. I mean, otherwise, you're crazy weird if you normally don't make mistakes. Mistakes are basically a learning step and a reminder to never do it again. So it's technically kind of good to make mistakes. But sometimes, people overthink it too much. A simple typo in a piece of writing, anything that's wrong can ruin our day. But most importantly, the way we see ourselves. So always remember that there's nothing wrong making a mistake. And you know what? I always make mistakes. Because it's totally normal to everyone.

4. Stop making things perfect!
Now, I know. It's really hard to ignore that little voice inside our heads. Like "Oh , you spelled that wrong!" or "That line you made isn't perfect." Well that's because it's merely impossible to be perfect. And people will NEVER be perfect. You see, I'm a perfectionist myself. But sometimes, instead of touching up small little mistakes, I embrace them. It means that you should accept your flaws and don't judge them. Now, this is a very important thing to remember. 

Thanks for reading. I hope this has been informational and interesting to you all! See you on the next blog and BYE!


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