The Last Human?... | Chapter 1: A Lonely Planet

Ava Ritts had a vision. Not just any vision, but a very unlikely one. She dreamt that she woke up and peered outside the window. It was normal, like she would've expected. She put on her bunny slippers and went downstairs. She examined around but her parents were nowhere to be seen. "Mum, Dad?" She called out to her parents. No reply. She called them again. "Mum, Dad, where are you?" She said, inside of her was panicking. Where did they go? Normally, her mother or father always left a note in her desk to say that they were off to run some errands. But she remembered that in her room, no note was placed in her desk at all. She hyperventilated. What ever could she do? 

Ava jolted awake after her "dream". She gasped for air until she settled herself. "That's a dream. It's not real." She told herself firmly, though she was still uncertain. Just to make sure, she opened her window and peered outside. "That's weird. It's the same weather as it was in my dream..." She said with an unwanted sensation of déjà vu. She then went down the staircase, and like in her dream, she saw nobody. "No way José this cannot be happening!" She whined. It truly was unbelievable. What happened to her parents, and the people of Hoston? She hoped that they were okay. But most importantly, how did she even had a vision that actually made the situation real? She did not like this, one bit.

She headed to the door and threw it open. It was a beautiful day for an ugly problem. She dashed to her neighbour's house and knocked on the door. She then patiently waited for a response. It fell eerily silent. She looked through her neighbour's window. Her suspicions were indeed correct. Nobody, not even her parents, were in Hoston. Now she knew the most important question she needed to know. Where on earth were they?

Ava went back to her house to eat breakfast. A fast and easy meal was cereal. Normally, her mum would whip up delicious pancakes, served with chocolate sauce. But that would've not happened. Because her mum and dad was gone. Ava blinked back tears. She would do anything just to bring her parents back. She poured her cereal and milk into a bowl and grabbed a spoon. Then she ate in silence, thinking about what she could do. Maybe she could go to her grandma's house. But how? She could use a bike to travel to her grandma's place. It was worth a try. And anyways, she could steal, no, take her grandma's food since she wasn't home. She went upstairs to her room and swiftly got her bag. Then she hurried downstairs and put some snacks into the bag. Then she grabbed her helmet and once again went outside. She saw her bike tucked away into the old garage. Was she sure she was going to do this? If it was worth it, then yes. She was super sure.

She quickly picked up momentum on her bike, feeling speed in her 2 legs. She looked around. And although it looked normal, today was quite an absurd day. She kept on thinking where would the civilians of Hoston be? But then, she realised something. Was she the last human on Earth? This was an insane theory. How, out of 8 billion people (yes she knew) or more disappear out of the blue? These kind of questions popped in her head. There was so many question with zero answers. And people too. 

An hour later and Ava breathed heavily in and out of tiredness. But the comforting sight of her grandma's house kept her going. She pedalled faster and faster until using her breaks, she slowly slowed her bike until she reached her grandma's house. She sighed with relief. She never knew that 9 kilometres in the middle of nowhere would be so tiring. She knocked on the door. As expected, no one had replied. She brought a can of beans. Maybe she could use it to break the window. She hurdled it to the air and it broke the window, smashing into shards of glass. Lucky enough, Ava was standing a long distance away from the window, leading her to safety. She felt somewhat thrilled, but also pity for breaking her grandmother's window. Carefully, she avoided the sharp edges of glass from the broken window. She crept inside the house. She felt like she was breaking in, even though she would never do such thing. She inspected the living room. There was an kitchen island with a jar of cookies. Grandma's mouth-watering classic chocolate chip cookies never fail to satisfy. She took its contents and placed them into a ziploc bag. She then tucked away the cookies into her bag. Then she checked the fridge for more food. She saw some mango juice. Her grandma always loved mango juice. Now she felt even more bad for taking her food. She took the whole bottle and tucked them into her bag. I think it would be enough to last me a week, Ava thought her plan in her head. She knew that if she was on her own, she would need to be independent. She opened the door going outside of the house and closed it. As she began to get her bike and travel back home, she saw a black figure lurking in the shadows that she couldn't make out. She had a feeling that it might be trouble.


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