The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 3: The Big Reveal

The next day, Monica had a plan hatched inside her brain. She was going to see what Ms. Silver looks like by sneaking out of class, and catching at least a glimpse of this demonic principal. As the first block of school had began, instead of going to the class, she went straight to Ms. Silver's office. She could still hear Ms. Stirling, her teacher marking the attendance of her students. "Monica?" The teacher said as she looked across the room for a raise of a hand in the air. "Must be absent. James?" She said as she went through the list. Monica looked back at Ms. Silver's office. She leaned her ear against the wooden door. Suddenly she could hear growling and snarling inside. Then she heard demonic laughter cackled across the room. Monica was frightened as her breathing went quicker. She was panicking. Suddenly, a teacher walking across the hall saw Monica crouched in the principal's office door and came up to her, looking furious. "What are you doing here?" The teacher demanded for an answer while Monica had to come up with one. But before she could even answer, she found herself being dragged back to her classroom. "Monica, you're late. Sit down please." Ms. Stirling instructed her, and she did just that. Then, the teacher that made her drag to the classroom - which she later found out her name was Ms. Smith - and Ms. Stirling huddled and muttered to each other. Monica suspected that it might've been something about her involvement. "Monica, extra homework for you." Ms. Stirling said as she handed in a pile of paper, which to Monica was concerningly large to its size. 

The class gasped as Ms. Stirling slammed the pile of paper in her desk. A part of Monica wanted to slap Ms. Stirling in the face. In her old school, there were multiple instances were her intrusive thoughts took over her and detention was awaiting for her in the principal's office. But now, she had seen no point taking her anger out to her teacher as it would only do nothing but even more punishments and a record for such naughty deed. She straightened her back, and like a matured child would do, slipped her extra homework and placed it inside her bag. Then when her teacher turned away, she sighed with great frustration.

"What were you thinking doing such thing and sneak out to class?" James said with irritation. "I wanted to prove to you that you were wrong but..." Monica stopped. "You were right about," she lowered her voice, "Ms. Silver being a demon." She finished. "EXPLAIN." James said. "Well first, I heard growling and snarling coming from inside her office. Then I heard demonic laughter. It was so scary. I didn't believe it, but my ears were definitely hearing it." Monica said. She was confident that no human being would ever be able to produce that particular sound, for only animals might do such thing. "WAIT!" Monica yelled. She said in a whispery voice. "I think our principal might be a shapeshifter."

"What?" James was clearly puzzled in Monica's thoughts. "Think about it. First there was growling and snarling. Then there's demonic laughter. Ms. Silver can change into any form of creature she likes." Monica said. "SHE might be able to also change into a human form." Monica had a hunch. "But we don't know that." James pointed out. "Exactly. But if we stay in at night until Ms. Silver comes out, we can catch how she looks like." Monica said. "Wanna come? You can just say you're coming over to my house." Monica said. James thought for a bit. "FINE." He said. "GREAT!!!!" Monica hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

At the end of the school, they went home but planned to come back to school at 5:00. Office hours ended at 5:30, since there was after-school care, so they wanted to be prepared just in case there is change in plans. So 2 hour later, Monica and James met at the entrance of school. "Hi!" Monica said. "Brought some snacks?"  "Yes." James held the snacks in the air just for clarification. Great. All they had to do was wait, and wait. It wasn't long until they heard the unlocking of keys clicked in the front door of school. Monica shushed James to stay still as possible. "This is it."  Monica said with a mixture of excitement and dread at the same time. The door swung open to reveal a tall lady with sharp teeth and monstrous features. Suddenly, as the principal looked at their direction, Monica turned numb. She couldn't move an inch of her body, so did James. What was happening to them? She felt weak and vulnerable to the spot.


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