The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 6: The Hypnotisation of a Lynge

Monica kept her eyes peeled for any demon principal activity, but unfortunately no luck. But then, as she retreated back to her classroom, she saw Ms. Silver wearing a cloak with a hood that hid her face. Of course. She wouldn't want people to see her true form. Clutching to her fork, she walked normally as possible to Ms. Silver, hopefully not causing any suspicion. But before she could even stop this monstrous being, Ms. Stirling dragged her into the classroom by her shoulders. "What the..." Monica stuttered. She grimaced and clenched her fists as this was her only chance of actually stopping Ms. Silver to create more chaos. Chaos that could be unstoppable, and possibly inevitable. 

Later at night, Monica had a dream that she was to stab Ms. Silver in the eyes, like she planned to. But in millisecond or so, she froze. And a numb feeling had washed over her like an overweight blanket. Then pitch black darkness had taken over her. She gasped as she jolted awake, panic thundering in her heart. "What was... that?" She said aloud, goosebumps prickled in her skin. She eventually went back to sleep, but the thought of her nightmare was still at the back of her mind. 

The next day, Monica was more encouraged then ever. She hid near the principal's office and held her breath. She felt like this was her last chance to save those children. She crept to the office door and tried to make out what conversation Ms. Silver was having. "You have been bad today. You shall be punished." A deep voice commanded. "B-but I apologised." A child whimpered with a shaky voice. "It is not enough. You. Shall. Pay." The voice thundered in fury. "Servus eris mihi pro te!" The deep voice (which Monica assumed was Ms. Silver) chanted the 5 words in exclamation. "Yes, for I shall obey." The child (which was now a slave) replied in a monotone voice. Monica gasped. What was going on inside Ms. Silver's head? She is a psycho, Monica thought. She walked slowly and carefully back outside. She looked around the playground for the child who got hypnotised. Suddenly, out the front door of the school came a blankly-faced child walking to nowhere. Her eyes were a darker shade of purple. She bumped into a tree, shook herself like it was nothing, and continued to go to the playground. "That must be the one." Monica said to herself and walked towards her. She glanced sideways, and clapped 5 times in the child's face. Suddenly, her eyes had faded into what Monica had guessed her actual eye colour. "What... happened?" The girl gasped as she stared at her hands. "You're okay now. You just bumped into a tree." Monica knew it was a lie, but how could she explain to a girl about her age that Ms. Silver is a demon that hypnotises children to be her slaves? 


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