
Showing posts from November, 2023

Chapter 1 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

Chapter One: The Celebration of Olden Time  Mary gently knocked the door 3 times as the soft sound woken Isabelle. ''Your Royal Highness,'' although Isabelle's door was closed, she did a little curtsy. ''Your breakfast is ready.'' Mary whispered in a soft voice. ''Firstly, you can call me Isabelle and secondly, breakfast is only served at 8 o'clock. Pray tell, why have you woke me up at only...'' She paused to check the time. ''7:45?'' she said, clearly peeved. ''Madam, please understand. You do know that breakfast is served early to present the punctuality that the Royal chef has to offer, don't you?'' she said assertively. ''Whoa Mary, you are in a mood today. I was just testing to see how confident can you get. Now where is my croissant?'' she added cheekily. ''Right here, Milady.'' She handed in the tray and grinned to Isabelle, and she smiled back at he

The Interesting Finds at The Polish Christmas Market

I closed the car door and felt a gentle gush of wind past through me. Newtown was filled entirely out of  houses, shops and restaurants. But although  there were so many  things to do, it was still a small town. Huh. I just realised that it should be called Smalltown rather than Newtown because it was not new at all. Anyways we arrived at the Polish Christmas Market. And it was a sight!  The market were filled, and I mean FILLED with people lining up in queues to order delicious polish food. There were tons of options of food to select. Loaves of bread, hotdogs, cakes, the list could go on forever ! In the market, they also had stalls selling cushions, hoodies, accessories, phone holders and SO MUCH MORE! We wandered around all the stalls and they were all amazing. As soon as we were about to leave, Mum pointed to a building next to the market that people were pushing and shoving themselves into (it was practically a stampede !). ''Should we check it out?'' Mum sa

How I Spent with just 7 DOLLARS in the Mega Gala at School!

The rain pitter-pattered down the window as the clouds loomed over the sky, which turned into a dull shade of grey. I peered at the window as I saw raindrops racing down against each other. I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes. We (as in Mum and Ninang) took the staircase and walked over to the car. Our destination was school and I was curious and excited at the same time what the Mega Gala was about.        What I do know about it is that there'll be games, food, book and toy fairs in the event. My friend Ni Lar (who's from Myanmar) was chatting about the Mega Gala to me, so that's why I knew a bit about it. Me and my other friend Daniela didn't know (since we both started Year 5 at the same school) or heard about it, so we both were curious what was it about. Eventually we arrived and I passed the cookies to Mum that Mum and Ninang made at 6 o'clock in the morning for the bake sale in the Mega Gala (See that logo? They have a business so follow my parents by click

The First-Ever Triumphant Victory of Sophia Ysabel

Everywhere I look, the streets of Wellington were filled with vandalism and graffiti. Loads of people always looked like ants scattering for food which is exactly what people do in lunchtime. Inside my cozy home, I was putting on my school uniform which had the ''slogan'' printed on the side of the uniform. It was Kake Tonu or Ever Upwards in Maori. In the back it had a sun with a weirdly detailed face. I swiftly grabbed my water bottle and put on my shoes. It was time to head down to the Sports Stadium. As I entered the stadium, hundreds of children were in rinks scurrying around frantically playing Floorball. "Great. Another not victorious win." I thought to myself. We lost loads of times. I figured that although with my team's skills and mine, we still wouldn't go home without a victory. I glanced at the kids playing in the rinks. They looked somehow desperate to win a game, with serious looks in their eyes. I grabbed my stick and sat down ne