The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 1: The Mysterious Note

It was a bright day at Erehmai Elementary School. Monica was just walking to her new elementary school as she heard cheerful laughter of children coming from the playground. But instead of seeing the usual playground kids playing an innocent game of Tag, what she saw next was on a whole new level of STRANGE. She gasped as she saw  a speaker producing this noise of children laughing. "Oh my gosh." She said to herself as she put her hand over her mouth. "A bit unusual, right?" a cheery voice called out to her. Monica flinched for a moment, but then saw a boy with dark brown hair glistening in the sunlight, clutching in his arms a book. "My name is James, what's yours?" He asked as he handed out his hand. Monica shook his hand. "I'm Monica. And why is a speaker outside making noises of kids laughing?" Monica firmly asked back. She was curious about this weird speaker, and mostly just concerned. "Of course, that thing ALWAYS freak people out. And they do have rights to be freaked out." James started. "Well, we have this weird principal called Ms. Silver and she makes up the weirdest rules to follow." James said and lowered his voice. "That speaker is one of the weird things about our school. Sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this. They hear everything." James said apologetically. "Wait, who's they?" Monica asked, not liking this weirdness of her new school. All she wanted to do is go home and jump on her bed, falling asleep. "Come with me to class." James completely ignored Monica's question. She grew suspicious of James' shifty movements and looking sideways carefully to check his surroundings. She hated cliffhangers. This was one that she had to find out herself.

She entered the classroom and the students creepily stared at her soulessly. Monica sighed silently. Looks like I have to get used to this peculiarity thought Monica. "Good morning class." The teacher said with such monotone Monica never expected. Instead of hearing the usual warm greeting from the class, they simply nodded. Monica opened her mouth to speak, but quickly assumed not to and nodded. "We have a new student today." The teacher looked directly at Monica. The whole class gave an awkward but bone-chilling wave to Monica. Monica rather preferred the silent treatment. 

The day passed by oddly. "If you want to know things about this school, read this." James handed the note to Monica. Then weirdly, James came closer and whispered to Monica's ear his address. What had this meant? James walked away and Monica opened the note, not ready for what this note will say. It said this; 


Trick or Treat, Meet and Greet. You call yourself "me" and you call me "you". At night, people will hunt you for a satisfying delight. 5 o'clock, the dread feeling never stops. If you come outside at midnight, creeps and spooks will crawl and give you a fright. My tip is stay quiet and still, for those creeps and spooks can actually kill. So if you're hearing creaking of wooden floorboards in your house, then those actually might be innocent noisy mouse.


Monica found this note quite disturbing. Reading the note, she felt gushes of wind float around her. She stood quietly and still as she thought about what the note had meant. Maybe there was some kind of secret message. She looked at the bolded words, and somewhere sparked "Eureka!" in her brain. She put the words together and it made this; "Meet me at 5 o'clock outside my house." This all made sense. She knew what to do, but still wondering what was yet to come.


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