
Showing posts from January, 2024

Book Review: Lena, the sea and me

Title: Lena, the sea and me    Author: Maria Parr Genre: Fiction Publisher: Walker Books (link here→ Walker Books ) Plot:  Trille is a 12-year-old boy who enjoys playing the piano and fishing with his grandpa and Troll (which is his grandpa's boat). He lives near the Norwegian coast with his best friend Lena Lid. But his life turns   upside down when a girl Birgit comes into his life and Lena being more grouchy than usual. Will their friendship thrive as normal or break forever? What I liked:  I liked how detailed Maria Parr writes in Lena, the sea and me. Like any other author, they always use similes to be more expressive in their writing. But Maria plays around with her words, making it easier to picture the story inside my head.  What was my least favourite part: A few authors like Jacqueline Wilson always re-use their words in the sentences they make in their books. And this includes Maria Parr.This is understandable, since they find it hard to find different words that sound

Persuasive Writing on Why You Should Join The GKR Karate Club

Imagine yourself defenceless on the street as a drunk man tries to punch you. But NO! With your karate skills, you block his punch and run away, calling for help. Happy ending, right? Now imagine the opposite. You have no knowledge of karate or even blocking yourself. Worse case scenario, you could have black out and there would be no chance of surviving... But anyways, hi. My name is Sophia Ysabel and I'm here to talk about why you must the join the GKR Karate Club, which is the club I'm currently training at (if you're interested in the GKR Karate Club, click these links here to learn more about GKR Karate→  GKR Karate  → Facebook → Instagram ) Let's get started, shall we? My first reason is that karate makes you more discipline. According to a website called Karate Families, "The martial arts journey requires consistent and continued practice." Meaning that with more constant practice, karate molds you to be more disciplined. This is true since if you don&#

Chapter 5 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

  Chapter 5: The Reveal of "Queen Margaret" Isabelle ran as fast as her feet could carry her to the sea. She plopped into the water and swam as half as fast as a speed boat. Eventually, she reached her stop and barged inside the castle. "Why you ridiculous queen! Where are you?!" Isabelle bellowed the moment she stepped inside the castle. "You sweet-talked me into turning off the factory switch, you dingdong!!!!!!" She bellowed again. "That is because of my charm, Isabelle. It's not your fault that now I can rule your kingdom... Definitely not." The queen stepped away from the shadow where she was.  The queen looked like a sea monster, with tentacles sticking out and a devious grin creeping in her face. "Now that you need an explanation, I'll give you one." The queen dared. "Long, long time ago, your parents asked the God of Vengence to kill me for my blood wasn't royal blood. Because I killed the queen and spilled some

Chapter 4 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

Chapter 4: The Plan Into Action The night eerily caved in as Isabelle walked away from the sea. She was shivering, her skin prickled with coldness as she walked. A few miles away, she could see a rectangular-shaped building stay still as its chimney swelled out with smoke. This must be the place the queen was talking about, Isabelle thought. She walked fast and eventually, she reached her destination. She put on the invisi-cloak the queen gave her and headed inside. I can't believe I'm doing this.  Inside, she could see food processed and dropped onto a conveyor belt. That's weird. The queen said to go to an oil factory, but I'm now here seeing food being made, Isabelle thought. She looked around to find anything  that looked suspicious. What's something that is so important, that it could stop the entire factory from producing oil? Isabelle asked herself. She turned around to see two security guards blocking a red lever out of sight. How could she possibly sneak pa

Chapter 3 of Princess Isabelle and the Underwater Kingdom in Deep Waters

  Chapter 3: The Plan "Whaaaaa.... But how? Why? When? Now?!" Isabelle was shocked. How can such a beautiful place like this need HELP ? "Our resources are decreasing by each day. We never told the merpeople yet... Or not ..." She paused. The Queen sighed. "But why aren't you telling the kingdom? Shouldn't they be the one who should know as well?" Isabelle asked. "I don't want the kingdom to be in a state of panic! There will be chaos , the merpeople knowing that sooner or later, our kingdom won't live as long as they thought!" The queen replied, exasperated. After a moment of thought, Isabelle, once again, broke the silence. "How can I help?" The queen beamed up. "Really? You'll help us?" "Yes, anything it takes." Isabelle replied assertively . "Well then, here it is. Our crops are dying and purified water is hard to get because your people are dumping poisonous fumes into the water. We ne