
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Peculiar School called Erehmai | Chapter 1: The Mysterious Note

It was a bright day at Erehmai Elementary School. Monica was just walking to her new elementary school as she heard cheerful laughter of children coming from the playground. But instead of seeing the usual playground kids playing an innocent game of Tag, what she saw next was on a whole new level of STRANGE. She gasped as she saw  a speaker producing this noise of children laughing. "Oh my gosh." She said to herself as she put her hand over her mouth. "A bit unusual, right?" a cheery voice called out to her. Monica flinched for a moment, but then saw a boy with dark brown hair glistening in the sunlight, clutching in his arms a book. "My name is James, what's yours?" He asked as he handed out his hand. Monica shook his hand. "I'm Monica. And why is a speaker outside making noises of kids laughing?" Monica firmly asked back. She was curious about this weird speaker, and mostly just concerned. "Of course, that thing ALWAYS freak people

The Last Human?... | Chapter 9: The Release of Prisoners, and Freedom

  The plan was that Ava calls the security guard and then she punches him to make him unconscious. Then she grabs the keys to open everyone's cells and BOOM! Freedom. So Ava called out to the guard and does the exact same thing that was written on the plan. She succeeds. The people on the opposite sides of her cell (including Brenda's and Will's) hung their jaws wide open as Ava punched the security guard. They never knew the strong capabilities of Ava, the 11-year-old. She opens Will and her cell and she attempts to unlock Brenda's cell, but only failing. "Wait what? What's happening?!" Ava sighed exasperated. "Another guard must have the keys to unlock everyone's cell." Brenda processed this new information. "You may need to see a guard who has a token key." Brenda logically answered. "Okay. I'll go search for the guard." Ava said her thoughts aloud. "Wait! I'll come with you." Will said. "Will, no

The Last Human?... | Chapter 8: The Great Escape

  The HOH mercilessly grabbed them by the arms and took them to the familiar tunnel that they got the gretor from. "I'm so sorry." Ava said guiltily to Will. "This is all my fault." Ava said as she looked at Will with a pained expression. "It's not your fault. And at least you tried." Will said with a hopeful look on his face. The HOH took them to cells that reminded them of prison. It looked unfriendly and grim. The HOH opened the cells like they were escaped animals and pushed them in. Then they walked, footsteps thudding away. "I guess this is how our lives will be like." Will said with a devastated face. "No, of course we'll find a way out." Ava said and touched his hand. "It just seems so..." Will said and stared to the abyss. "Impossible to get out of here." He said as he looked down. He then glanced over to the other cells. They were filled with people. It looked so hopeless just looking at them. &

SPECIAL Post Bulletin * Grading to 6th Kyu*

Location:  GKR Karate Johnsonville Prime I stepped into the dojo as I grinned with embarrassment. My family and I were grading to (moving up to) green belt. The order of belts went like this; white, yellow, orange (which I currently was), green, blue, red, brown and black. But it wasn't going to be easy grading to these different coloured belts. The average person to become a black belt took 4-5 years! And currently, I was less than a year at karate. "Lining up!" one of the senseis (instructors) bellowed. "Hai!" the students grading shouted in response.  Shouting "hai" was acknowledging senseis when they say instructions. It was also a way to show that you were listening. If you didn't shout, you would need to do a certain amount of push-ups. I would say it was quite fair though. My heart was beating so fast, it could play the drums. We did some warm-ups as I jogged, jumped, stretched and shook my body to say "WAKE UP, SOPHIA! YOU'RE GRADI

The Last Human?... | Chapter 7: Running into HOH

  "But where are we going to find some?" Ava asked. "Well, I think I know where." Mira replied as she asked them to follow her to her destination. They eventually walked for an hour until they reached a cave with mystical blue glowing inside. They walked in as they saw the mysterious glowing goo dripping inside. "Finally after so long!" Ava yelled. "I'll grab some gretor inside this jar. I never knew this actually might be the right location." Mira said as she scraped gretor into the jar. "Do you think it will work?" Ava asked patiently. "Yes, I'm very certain it will." Mira said confidently. "We need to go now. It's dark outside." Mira instructed. They walked home, but since it was so dark, luckily Mira was prepared and brought her flashlight to light the way. As they reached home, Ava felt super excited. Ava, Will and Mira all rushed up to her parents. "So how do you break the trance with the greto

The Last Human?... | Chapter 6: The Magical Livtri Tree Sap

Will sat down on the table as Mira talked to him. "So I'll explain. I know we hadn't made the best decision, but we're willing to make it up to you." She said as she looked at him concerningly. Will remained silent. "That day when we were collecting food, another hybrid came up to us and asked if we were willing to join the Contribution, which is a group which helps other people in need. If we joined, they said they'll give us a year worth of food. And we worked for the Contribution for years. So we have 10 years' worth supply of food." She finished. "But they gave us a potion to drink, which made us forget about... you and our family. Until now my memories have been flooding back to me ever since you came." Mira finished.  The silence was achingly long. Finally, Will croaked and said "You left me all because of... food?" Mira looked pained but replied "It was very greedy, I know. But I didn't know the consequences th